Line Integral Vector function

Line Integral of Vector Function

You can consider the integral of a vector function F along a curve C. The vector function F has the components [image] and [image]. The path of the parameterized function is [image].


The parameter t reaches from a to b.


If you use this vector function then the differential d naturally is dr.




This formular expresses that there is a tangent component t of F along the path.




The trajectory of a particle r along a curve (the path C) inside a vector field (Source: Lucas V. Barbosa)



Now the distance gets the name ds.





The line integral over a scalar field f is the area under the curve C along a surface z = f(x,y) which is described by the field (Source: Lucas V. Barbosa)


The line integral is also equivalent to:





[image]  Example


Evaluate the line integral for the function [image] for [image]. The path shall be a straigt line [image].


First, write down a parametric function for the path.




t is from 0 to 1.


The new parameters are:




The derivative of x is [image]




The derivative of y is [image]



Put in these parameters into the function F for each dimension x and y.


First dimension x: [image]


The term [image] is filled in with [image] and the term [image] is filled in with [image]




Second dimension y: [image]


The term [image] is filled in with [image] 




Put in the parameterized variables in an integral.


